Legacy of Satos is heavily data-driven under the hood. Almost everything from levels to game objects and from interactions to animations are data-driven. Let’s take a look how it works!

ECS Primer

First off, a quick primer on the game’s architecture. The base architecture follows ECS pattern, which comes from words ‘entity’, ‘component’ and ‘system’. In addition, there is the ‘game world’, which contains all entities, components and systems and handles the connections between them.

Components are basically “pure data” classes and contain no logic at all (except some helper methods). Examples include SpriteComponent, which stores information about what texture should be used for the sprite and what are the dimensions for the sprite.

Entities are basically just identifiers of, well, entities. Each entity is represented by an integer. By itself, an entity is rather useless, as it can’t really do anything else than exist. This is where components join the fun: Entities can have components assigned to them. In practice, each entity is a bag of components.

Systems bind everything together. A system operates on entities that have certain components. For instance, a sprite system only updates the entities that have both a Sprite component and a Transform component, so it can draw the sprite from the Sprite component at the correct location.

Since all the data is contained in components, ECS lends itself really well into data-driven design. However, before loading any entities, there should be something that tells the engine what to load.

Level Data

For the sole purpose of creating levels for Legacy of Satos, I wrote Ratio, which is a octree-based voxel editor with tilemapping capabilities. It also supports Tiled-style objects with custom properties, as well as level-specific properties.

The level geometry is a collection of layers, which are essentially collections of octrees. For each layer, there is at least one octree per tileset used on that layer, and if the octree gets large enough (vertex count wise), another octree is added.

The level data thus looks like this in JSON:

    "tilesets": [
        "name": "dungeon",
        "type": "normal",
        "path": "tilesets/dungeon.png",
        "tiles": [
                "id": 1,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "w": 16,
                "h": 16
                "id": 10,
                "x": 0,
                "y": 16,
                "w": 16,
                "h": 16
    "properties": [
            "key": "ambient_intensity",
            "type": "double",
            "value": 0.3
    "layers": [
            "name": "First layer",
            "visible": true,
            "parts": [
                    "tileset": 0,
                    "size": 2048,
                    "cells": [
                            "x": 16,
                            "y": 16,
                            "z": 64,
                            "size": 16,
                            "floor": false,
                            "faces": [10, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1]
    "objects": [
            "name": "player",
            "type": "enter",
            "location": [64.0, 32.0, 32.0],
            "size": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
            "color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
            "visible": true,
            "properties": [
                    "key": "id",
                    "type": "int",
                    "value": 0
            "name": "slime",
            "type": "object",
            "location": [64.0, 32.0, 64.0],
            "size": [16.0, 16.0, 16.0],
            "color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
            "visible": true,
            "properties": [
                    "key": "class",
                    "type": "string",
                    "value": "slime"

That’s a handful of stuff there. Let’s look at each of the top-level parts individually.

Tilesets portion defines all the tilesets used for the level. Each tileset has a name, type (either “normal” which means an image-based tileset or “palette” which means pre-defined colors), path to the image file (if not a palette), and the tile definitions.

Each tile has a unique ID inside that tileset, the X and Y coordinates of the region in the image, and width and height of the region. These tile definitions are created only for the tiles that are actually used in the level to keep the amount of data as small as possible.

Properties defines the level-specific properties. In the example, the ambient light intensity is set to 0.3. These keys should pretty much match the values the game engine expects, since the engine doesn’t (yet) support checking against level properties during the gameplay. That wouldn’t be a big thing to implement, though, but it’s just something I haven’t needed yet.

Layers is an array of the level data layers. Each layer has a name and an array of parts. These parts contain the octree data and basically just tell A) which tileset to use, B) how large the layer is, and C) where the cells are.

Each cell inside the octree has a coordinate, size, and “faces” info, which defines which tile ID should map to which face of the voxel. The array order is hardcoded to order [front, back, right, left, top, bottom] (when viewed down the negative Z-axis, X-axis being on right and Y pointing upwards).

Objects contains the definitions of all the custom objects in the level. Each object has a name and a type, as well as location, size and color. Each object can also have custom properties in similar vein as the level itself.

Now, when objects are defined here, I don’t go defining each and every parameter for all the objects here. Instead, the type is quite often “object”, and the “class” property tells which kind of object should be created in its place. So, when the map is loaded, it will see that I should load an object of type “slime” here. But where does that “slime” object come from? What does it look like?

Data-driven Entities

In Legacy of Satos, the game objects are also defined in JSON. Each game object is basically just a set of components and their properties. An example entity JSON might look like this:

    "name": "slime",
    "components": [
            "type": "sprite",
            "properties": {
                "region": "slime",
                "width": 16,
                "height": 16,
                "billboard": "Y"
            "type": "transform"
            "type": "animation",
            "properties": {
                "animations": "slime"
            "type": "health",
            "properties": {
                "hp": 5,
                "max": 5
            "type": "damageOnHit",
            "properties": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 2

This is rather straight-forward. The components array tells all the components the slime should have. For instance, this game object consists of a sprite, a transform, an animation, a health and a “damage on hit” component. Each can override any and all of the properties those components have.

So, in the case of this “slime” object, it will create a sprite component, set its image to “slime”, set its size to 16 by 16, and tell the engine that the sprite should be billboarded around Y-axis. Nothing extraordinary. However, the one special case here is the animation component, which has a property named “animations”. This property refers to yet another JSON, which defines all the available sprite animations for this slime.

Introducing yet another tool: Spritetools!


Spritetools is the most recent addition to my arsenal of never-ending development. It allows me to draw the sprites with GIMP while hot-reloading the changes. This way, I can immediately see how the animation looks like and can tweak things like per-frame animation speeds, axis flips and so on. When ready, the animations can be exported for the game.

So, the game object JSON above referred to animation called “slime”. This animation could look like this:

    "image": "slime",
    "animations": [
            "name": "idle",
            "row": 0,
            "constant_speed": false,
            "speeds": [0.25, 0.13, 0.09],
            "frame_width": 16,
            "frame_height": 16,
            "frames": 3,
            "flip_x": false,
            "flip_y": false,
            "animate": true,
            "mode": "loop",
            "forward": true

Here, the animation file refers to an image called “slime”, which is just either a texture image or a region in a texture atlas. The “animations” array contains all the different animations.

Each animation entry has a name which can be referred by other components. The other parameters define how the animation is built, for example which “row” in the image is used, what are the per-frame speeds (or if constant speed should be used), the size of a single frame, frame count, axis flips and so on.

The “mode” property can have one of three different values: it can either be “loop”, which means it’ll play the animation constantly, starting from the first frame when the end is reached. Another value is “oneshot”, which means the animation is played once and then stopped. The third option is “pingpong”, which reverses the direction of the animation once the end is reached, and is again reversed once the animation gets to the first frame.

Now, this animation structure works for the simplest stuff there is, but how does this lend itself to the fact that the sprites are essentially billboards, always facing the camera AND the camera rotating around the player constantly?

Animations with directional variants

For example, an issue arises when there is, say, an NPC that can walk to four directions (north, south, east, west). Each of these walk directions has its own animation (“walk with back visible”, “walk with chest visible”, “walk with side visible” and “walk with side visible, Y-flipped”). These would work well if the camera was always pointing to the same direction. However, this is not the case in Legacy of Satos.

If the NPC is walking south and camera is facing north, we should see the character’s face. Now, what if camera rotates to face east? Now we should see the character’s side, just like if it was walking east. It’s quite a hassle to change between animations whenever the camera rotates.

The camera rotation issue is tackled by having a kind of two-dimensional approach to the animation definitions. First off, there is the animation definition like “walk”, but the directions are grouped under that main animation definition. So, when the old structure was like this:

        "name": "walk_south",
        "name": "walk_north",
        "name": "walk_east",
        "name": "walk_west"

… the new structure becomes something like this:

        "name": "walk",
        "north": {
        "south": {
        "east": {
        "west": {

Now, the characters have a direction they are facing (globally), and the camera has its own direction (globally). The relative direction of the character (relative to the camera) is quite easy to obtain, so whenever the camera rotates, it will simply change the character’s relative direction and the “direction variant” of the animation. All the common variables for certain animation like frame speeds, frame count and so on are common for all the direction variants under any given animation - only the varying properties such as the starting row and column change.

In addition, some animations might have only one or two directional variants. In the case where there’s only one used, the whole directional thing is omitted - the sprite will always have the same look no matter where the camera is pointing. In the case where the animation has two variants, one will be used when the camera points either north or south, and the other is used when the camera points either east or west. Optionally, X and Y flipping can be done here as well. For example, a tree might be implemented by having two directional variants, and they are flipped around Y axis whenever the direction is either south or west, and not flipped when the direction is either north or east.

Recap, please!

So, basically the flow of starting the game goes like this:

  1. Initialize all the systems in the game engine
  2. Load the level defined as the first level to load
  3. Level loads…
    • Geometry is generated from the octree data
    • Object definitions are loaded
  4. Create game objects
    • For each game object in the level data:
      • Load the required game object definition
      • Create an entity instance
      • Create component instances as per the definition
      • Populate the component properties as per the definitions
      • If the game object in the level data has overrides for properties, set those now
      • Create child entities if needed
  5. Initialize animations
    • For each required animation, load the definition
    • Set the initial animations for the game objects
  6. Initialize sounds and other assets
  7. ?
  8. Profit!

This looks rather simple, but there’s a ton of special cases and component-specific exceptions going on in the game engine, as some components require the engine to “know” a bit more about the situation than others. There are also some object types that are handled differently, and some may bypass the normal loading flow altogether.

This was a rather lengthy rundown of a rather complex system, and I’ve only barely scratched the surface of how deep it actually goes! Hopefully, I’ll get some extra time to write more about this, since honestly I’m quite enthusiastic about this whole sub-system of the game.